Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Making and eating sushi delicacies!!!

Sushi feast at Ruben's family's house two weekends ago. His brother was keen on sushi when we talked about it one day, so we thought it'd be a fun idea since he was back in town for a week. Their parents didn't know much about it, and were surprised at the process, and enjoyed it, despite their mom being a bit weary of some raw veggies.... ;) Overall a welcomed change that was fun, healthy and delicious!

Our chosen ingredients of the day

First, a demonstration

The 4 time sushi-making expert in action

The artist patiently working on his masterpiece

The head chef approves of his pupil's progress

Revealing the final products

A huge look of pride at his works!

Closeup of the beautiful creations--big applause for the successful inside-out roll!! :)

Practice makes perfect!

Demonstrating noodle-lifting with chopsticks

Commentary of what's happening....

A separate non-sushi, non-food photo......other than eating, of course the Spaniards love football (aka soccer) so since their team (Real Racing Club of Santander) made it into the semi-finals, even the town hall had to show team-spirit and get onto the bandwagon. So here is city hall sporting the green and white Racing stripes. :)
At the end, unfortunately, the modest team from Santander suffered defeat, despite winning the last game...... The fans were satisfied with them making it so far, even though passing into the finals would have been a dream, of course!

1 comment:

  1. did you use raw fish for the sushi? what's that light pink stuff? and is that marbled meat slices next to the noodles?

    also, i think you should translate the commentary. :)
