Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Let the Games begin!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Winter Olympics, Vancouver and Whistler 2010, Feb 12-28 has officially started!!!

You may be thinking, well what the heck does this have to do with my foray into Spanish life?? Well, I am on a mission to educate my classes about the wonders of
a) winter Olympics ("Huh, this exists??"),
b) beautiful British Columbia and
c) international ice hockey.
I do love the other sports, but what can you say, hockey is hockey and at the highest level such as the games, it's the biggest thrill!

So thanks to Desi and Carlos (yay!), I have a bit of a start on Olympifying my classroom:
Don't forget there are also the Paralympic Games in March!!

False Creek sure has changed!

Science World in transformation---now known as Sochi House (Russia hosts the next winter games in the city of Sochi)

Canuck representatives on the teams of many countries--sorry guys, I don't follow them so much anymore to know exactly all the players, but I'm sure they are great. :) I like this because it shows all the important games......

So the plan is to try and catch some Olympic action, though with the 9 hour time difference, it will be very difficult!! I may stay up to watch some of the important hockey games, depending on how the standings shape up to be..... :) On Friday the 12th, I stayed up to catch the Opening Ceremonies at 3am Spanish time....not going to bed until it was over, by which time it was 6am. Oh well, Saturday morning means no work to worry about! Here are some bad photos taken with my webcam, just to prove I was watching it on tv!! :D

Here comes Team Canada!!!!

Fly that maple leaf high and proud!!

The true north strong and freeeeeeeee.....

Those floating sculptures/tree trunks/salmon-spawning river things were amazing!! I loved the special effects!!

Guess which country will win the most medals, which will win most gold, silver and bronze and who will make it to the Men's hockey finals.

Post your comments, updates and thoughts about OUR (oh, so proud) Olympic Games, since I'm not there to provide a live commentary on what life is like in town during these next few weeks. Would love to get some roving reporters out there giving some insight to everyone, so post away!!! :) Pretty please and thank you!! :D


  1. aww, what a fail!
    from left to right on the wallpaper:
    Sami Salo for Finland, Ryan Kesler for USA, Roberto Luongo for Canada (I hope you knew this one at the very least :P), Henrik and Daniel Sedin for Sweden, Pavol Demitra for Slovakia and Christian Ehrhoff for Germany

  2. Actually I knew all of them except for Ehrhoff (never heard of him before...) and probably wouldn't have thought of Demitra, though I know his name. :)
