Friday, February 5, 2010

Host a party--simple, right??

I don't know about most people, but when I organise a party, I invite a few people and of course everyone offers to bring something. With my friends, we usually do potlucks, which means someone brings drinks, others starters, others desserts, others snacks, and the main host is in charge of the main dish. Everyone arrives at various times, lugging their contributions and you munch away into the night.

So it surprised me tremendously when Ruben invited his friends for a dinner two weekends ago, and explained to me their way of hosting, extreme-style. Translation: all or nothing. No one needs to contribute anything because whoever's house they go to is the person in charge of all the food. Let me see if I understand--you provide the location, prepare, cook, serve, clean and all your guests just enjoy while you're running around like a chicken with its head cut off?!?! Where is the logic in this method?!?!

I went along with this crazy plan (what choice did I have in this matter?), attributing it all to Spanish insanity, and we brainstormed what seemed to be a simple and easy to pull-off menu: some pinchos (toasts with various toppings), Spanish tortilla and sushi to start, then homemade pizza of different sorts and finishing off with a cheesecake and chocolate fondue. All munchable things that people can pick at, so that it's more informal than a sit-down dinner

Friday night, we went for a huge shop at the supermarket, and also made the cheesecake, from Ruben's aunt's special recipe. Easy and tasty, though not dense and thick like the New York style cheesecake that I'm used to making.

Saturday, we thought we'd start at a leisurely 5:30pm, since people were going to arrive around 9:30pm. I made dough for 2 pizzas so that they could sit and rise for a while and then bake while the other things were being made. Time flew and guests started pouring in, while we were still frantically finishing sushi, baking pizza, organizing appies and greeting everyone, all with flour all over the place of course. ;)

The beginnings of toasts with ham, goat cheese, cherry tomatoes and balsamic-glazed walnuts. Missed the photo of the final product since we were too busy running around!

One pizza done and waiting while the other continues in the abnormal oven....

The crowd, finally all present and accounted for by around 10:45pm....

Chopstick-usage 101: the students study the technique intently

Fingers and brains in knots from concentration

Maybe if I wave it around really fast it will work.... ;)

Mmmm...chocolate fondue--the perfect way to end off the meal

The night didn't end until about 3:30pm when finally the last guests left (they were looking super sleepy and ready to spend the night....). We were left with piles of dirty dishes, of course, but not a mountain since we had to wash some in between the main course and dessert. :) It was a successful and fun night, with non-stop chatter and everyone really enjoyed themselves, and were mightily impressed at our efforts and resulting products. A resounding win for the amateur experimental cooks! :D