Tuesday, September 22, 2009

A slow start...

Well the wonders of technology has its ups and downs, as I am sitting here waiting for my flight that has been delayed for 1.25 hrs, but am able to amuse myself and take advantage of free wifi to rant about this to the masses. :) So take your highs and your lows.

Well this is a bit of an irritating start because my 2 hour leisurely stroll through Chicago's O'Hare airport will now turn to a 40min sprint through the terminals, looking for my gate. Hey, with this great technology, I am going to make myself useful and look up the airport map.

Okay, so it looks like I will arrive in the domestic section Terminal 1 and have to bust my butt over to International Terminal 5....end-to-end action folks.....hope I can get a breakaway. =P

Luckily, there is the Airport Transit System (ATS) and after a bit of searching, the city tourism website promises that it will take just under 9 mins. So if I push past the sluggish wheelie-suitcases to haul myself out of the plane asap upon landing, I should arrive at the gate with about 20 mins to spare. Let's hope they don't close the gate, but they should be expecting me. Maybe I will even hear my name announced oh-so-annoyingly over the loudspeaker. ;)

With over an hour to go till takeoff, I'm debating what to have for my last Canadian meal for a while.... Tim Horton's? :) There's also an Asian cafe thing, but it's so pricey......

A surprise sighting upon entry to the gate area: Science World giftshop at YVR! :) I remember hearing about it, but didn't know it was en route for me. Nice, but not as many cool and quirky things as Kaleidoscope of course. No giant fuzzy microbes! Plus it's joined to a Disney-like kids store that sells Hello Kitty, Disney princesses etc....kind of lowers the scientifically-educational level. :)

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