Thursday, May 6, 2010

Friends, food and free labour

Another mishmash of random photos from the last little while.
Updates below include:
1) social gatherings for various occasions
2)more kitchen experiments
3)toiling in the fields
4)Spanish Mother's Day
5)this is the way they move their things....

1) Out of town visitors, special meals and another party at home

One of Ruben's Spanish friends has been living in Dublin for a while now, and brought along 3 friends for a short trip of wining and dining. On Saturday night, we went out with a bunch of others, and the Irish group went all out. Heck, they were stuck for longer than expected due to the ash clouds wreaking havoc at airports, so why not party to the fullest? :)
Tom is thrilled with the "best tortillas in the world"--he set the record that night, with the consumption of 3 large pintxos worth, topped with various items, and is now a super fan. If only CruzBlanca would hire him as their spokesperson... ;)

Not everyone is a Spaniard--who's the odd one out?

This year my birthday fell on a weekday so we went out to celebrate the following Saturday, with a nice seafood meal on a lovely sunny day. Still windy and slightly chilly, but you take what you can get on the north coast. :) We went to the area of town that's filled with seafood joints, and were told at one place that they were full until 5:30pm (for lunch...we got there around 3pm...) so we went next door. Casa Silvio was a cute little family-run place, and they know their stuff, since they have a fishing history. The photos on the wall showed various members of the clan with their catches, and famous folks (none of which I knew) coming to dine. We tried different things, such as centollo (the big crab below) and rodaballo (flounder) and then had dessert. Mmmmm.....lovely, super filling and interesting!
My birthday seafood feast involved "centollo", known as the European spider crab, or spiny spider crab. The shell is thick and solid, so no biting or else you break your teeth! was good, but took a while to hack through and pick out every last morsel!

After lunch, a celebratory drink in the sunshine, on the patio of the luxurious five-star Hotel Real. This is where the royals and VIPs come to stay when they are in town, and we decided it was a good treat for once in our lives. :) The views of the bay are spectacular!

A light dinner at home turned into a bit of an event again...we had thought that simple finger foods wouldn't be too much work, but somehow things just always take forever. Only professional training will help us organise this party-planning business better, I suppose. :) It was a success though, and everyone LOVED the sushi (lovingly assembled by new sushi-student Tom) and falafels (new recipe, with modifications due to lack of ingredients)--these were devoured first and foremost. A fun night with lots of laughs, yummy eats, and great company.
Graeme doesn't look too impressed by Jessica's chopstick skills.....We had some takers on the chopstick using, but some gave up after a few attempts. One day, I will make chopstick-usage a trend here in Spain..... ;)

Tom looks a bit puzzled with the concept....

Raul is thinking hard about what to eat next...

2) Kitchen experiments full-steam ahead!
These are called "percebes". Someone said they were "cockles" in English but I have no idea. They were yummy--they look like little claws on the outside but inside is kind of like a mini geoduck. You yank on the bit between the white claw part and the dark stem. It opens and reveals the meaty bit that you eat. Quite a lot of work to get all the little ones, but they were yummy. Cost a fortune in the restaurants since they are rare and difficult to collect, but we got a good deal and decided to give it a try....

Falafel attempt number one--surprising they didn't fall apart while being fried! These ones had fresh parsley and were slightly softer due to the extra moisture, but with fresh-homemade naan (altered from a random recipe, of course), tzatziki and some veggies, it was a healthy and delicious new success! :)

Satay beef and veggie stirfry with vermicelli base....mmmmmmmmmmm.......

3) Working in the fields
Ruben's family owns a piece of land in Loredo, close to the beach, and there is a tiny cabin where they go and spend time in the summer when the weather is nice. Just a getaway, out of the city and into nature. It's very peaceful there, since the surrounding homes are mostly vacation spots for people from all over the place, so there is hardly any noise.

The land, as you can sort of see, is quite big. It's not flat (that concept is foreign up here in the rugged and mountainous north), and there are pine trees. That means pine cones and branches and various bits and pieces littering the ground. Which makes for difficult and possibly machine-wrecking lawn-mowing. So step one was to go around collecting pinecones and branches with the wheelbarrow. That was my job for the day. Voluntarily, of course. :)
Around 12pm, we arrived and started to unload and get started. See how high the grass has gotten in just one week? This is the "before" shot.

There were lots of weeds and tall grasses for interesting creatures, so I tried to snap a few of the pretty butterflies that were getting chased away by the boot-wearing girl stomping around, or the noisy grass-hacking monstrosity that was making its way around, destroying their landing areas. It was difficult getting close enough for a shot without scaring them off....I wasn't slacking off!!

Help arrived partway through and Ruben's dad ended up with a face full of grass bits and shirt covered with grass stains as he made his way around

The super heavy-duty mower, that is like a quad with its mega-wheels, and 3 speeds, plus reverse. I gave it a go but it was like a scene out of a cartoon, with me being towed by the power, as I tried to wrestle it around curves and steer it wildly into turns. It was entertaining but not graceful, haha! ;D
The end of a long 4 hours, the mower is loaded back into the trailer, and you can see that the grass has been defeated by our determination. Luckily it didn't rain, though the forecast was bad, and we came equipped with boots. At the end it was sunny and hot and made for slightly easier work....

4) Spanish Mother's Day
Unlike Canada and the UK, it is the first Sunday of May. So we went out for a seafood lunch in Somo in a nice restaurant called El Galeon. It was packed full of eager diners, and we ran into some people that they hadn't seen in years, so after the meal, there was frantic catching-up. :)

To start, some rabas (fried squid) and large clams...mmmm... We also had changurro (crab meat from the centollo pictured above) mixed with a creamy tomato sauce, but I forgot to get a shot of that.

Then the main course was the famous "mero" (Wikipedia says they are "groupers" in English....don't know what those are either....)--apparently the BEST fish there is. And no, the Spaniards NEVER exaggerate.... ;D It was yummy, and huge!

Marcelino was eager to try this dessert since he had seen it earlier when other people he is happily enjoying it! Flaky pastry with cream.....

Someone has their eye on my dessert... ;)

A photographer friend came to visit at the posada (guesthouse) of Ruben's aunt and cousin, and took some family shots. I got one where the dog was looking at the camera, but the people weren't paying attention... ;)

5) One day, I was in the city centre of Santander and saw this truck parked in the pedestrian-only area. Someone waaaaaayyyyyy up in one of the higher flats was moving. So rather than go through the inside of the building, it's common here to send this machine up and load things out and down on a motorized platform. Seemed a bit precarious at times......
I was on the 6th floor of the opposite building teaching a class, watching them load and unload boxes and such. That's a long way down.....

Loading up with boxes to send down.... What if you owned a grand piano?!?!?!


  1. you had Gooseneck Barnacles!! fun.
    I have never tried them but see them off the west coast in BC often. They grow in places that have lots of water flow.

  2. Hi Kate!!
    Thanks for clearing up the mystery! :) They were yummy but tiny and a bit of a drag to pick through....

    There definitely is a lot of water up here on the north coast...this week not as much, but more flow (vertical) is expected again next week.... it's a wet coast up here as well!

    Hope you are well and keep in touch!
