Friday, March 19, 2010

Celebrations, daytrips and food (as usual!) :)

After not having updated for a while, here is a whole pile of photos from various things over the past few weeks.

1. Raul's birthday and the EuroDemo concert
A few of us got together to go to the sports stadium and watch some live bands perform as part of the EuroDemo, another event that forms Santander's bid for the European Capital of Culture 2016. It was not the greatest concerts by any means, in a place with horrible acoustics, cold (too big) and bad planning on beverage supply (they ran out of most things by the time we got there late night). But it was fun nonetheless, as just a night to get together, dance a little and enjoy a different night out--coincidentally for Raul's birthday! He got to hear one of his favourite groups (Los Planetas) and jumped up and down with excitement at one particular song.... ;)

Wow, what a surprise!

Birthday boy blows out his candles

The happy couple celebrates

Having fun at a special concert

Los Coronas--surf music from Madrid

What do cowboy hats have to do with surfing?

2. Another meal for more guests--sushi, pintxos and chocolate fondue. :) Two expectant couples and lots of chatter and reminiscing.

Group picture after hosting another meal

3. A sunny Saturday in Bilbao
Taking advantage of the lovely weather one day, we headed on a short trip to Bilbao, only about an hour and a bit from Santander. It was a busy weekend since the Copa del Rey was on and they had lots of stands up around the city with food and vendors of various kinds. People were out and about going for walks, eating and drinking and just enjoying the sunshine, like us. It was my first time there so we explored the city, had some pintxos and then went to see the famous hanging bridge in a nearby town. A lovely sunshine-filled day!

Enjoying a beautiful sunny day

The legendary Guggenheim museum

Trays of food of various sorts, ranging from cuttlefish in its ink (dark one in foreground) to Bacalao pil pil (next one along--we chose that because cod is yummy and this dish is famous!) to stews of meats and a huge variety of others!
The hanging bridge transports vehicles and people between Portugalete and Las Arenas, but you can also go up and walk along the top, just like any other lookout tower in a city

This device carries about 6 vehicles in the middle and passengers stand on both sides

A stroll along the waterfront of Bilbao

4. Another daytrip to Santoña
A medieval market was happening in Santoña one weekend, so a few of us decided to head there together and enjoy a nice Sunday stroll around, have some rabas (calamari) and spend a day outside of the "big city" (AKA Santander).

We got there and didn't see any sign of existence of a market. The previous day was when the "perfect storm" hit, so we think (though we will never know) that they had cancelled it and didn't tell us. =P Oh well, at least it was a beautiful day and we ended up going for a nice walk along the coast, and having some food and drinks outside on the patio. Ahhhh........

Tom, Paloma and Ruben checking out the views

A local gent fishing for his evening meal

Hyper little dog watching her owner fishing for dinner

5. Daytrip to Lierganes
Even though it was a cloudy day, we drove out and went for a nice walk through the town. Very peaceful, with some lovely houses and a nice river running through the town. In the background are the famous "tetas de Lierganes"--the mountains so-named by the locals. :)

A peaceful walk by the river in Lierganes

6. Kitchen experimentation continues
With the addition of a fancy new wok, we keep on trying with new cooking ideas. It's lots of fun, and this new piece of equipment adds some different possibilities. Little by little, we're building our repetoire... ;)
An investment in kitchen equipment--spiffy wok!

Stir-fry goodness fresh from the wok!

Getting fancy with the presentation of a simple filet

Another lasagna attempt--mmmmm...!

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